Nat Daly, beauty queen title holder of: Miss Teen Merseyside 04,Miss Teen England 06(declined), Miss...
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International Beauty Queen Nat Daly To Prepare Miss Beds Contestants

March 31, 2008

Nat Daly
Nat Daly, beauty queen title holder of: Miss Teen Merseyside 04,
Miss Teen England 06(declined), Miss Hawaiian Tropic North West 06,
Miss Shrewsbury 06, The Face and Body of Wendy Vegas 08

Nat and her team will offer hair and beauty make-overs to all Miss Beds finalists. Nat is a professional beautician and hair dresser who co-owns her own top Liverpool Salon with fashion show and pageant expert Mum, Sarah Daly.

To book an appointment in Bedford for the grand final competition call 0151 709 5253, places are limited and will be booked on a reservation basis. You can also email admin at [email protected] to book.

Nat and her team will be staying at the Swan Hotel and can make-over finalists in their suite or at the football ground. Restyle, or wash and style plus full make-up is just £30.

Nat Daly Nat Daly

The finalists are parading before the end of season match game, if its bad weather their hair and make-up will be blown to bits so we advise a pre show make-over.

"As a beauty queen I know exactly how to prepare models. I'll be judging and it will be a different experience for me as normally I'm in front of the panel. I can so relate to the girl's and hope I can quell any nerves as well as boosting their confidence.

"I've been off the beauty circuit for eighteen months as I got engaged to footballer Neil Ashton, we bought a house soon after, so I've been busy nesting!

"I've competed in Miss England and it's a fantastic experience, one you'll never forget, but its hard work and you need stamina and to be able to perform at the highest pageant standard. Remember if you win, you could be in Miss World 08.

"I've worked in L.A, Las Vegas, Miami and in August I'm shooting for Maxim Peru in the Amazon Jungle. I'm living proof that beauty pageants like Miss Bedfordshire can open doors into the world of modelling. I'm only 5'5 and always knew I couldn't model on the catwalks of the world as a high fashion model!, so I competed in pageants and model searches. What I can do now is model lingerie, swimwear and do commercial shoots.

Nat Daly

"It's all a learning process, you have to be tough and to be able to accept rejection, for every five competitions you may enter, you might win one. For every hundred castings or auditions you go to you might secure one.

"This business is not for the weak. It can also be expensive. My Mum's spent thousands on evening gowns, shoes, accessories and travel expenses over the years.

"Finding sponsors can also be difficult, but its just part of the industry and when you win, you forget all about that as money compared to happiness and joy doesn't compare. I've been lucky and had a great mentor and a supportive family. My Mum comes everywhere with me and when I'm in competitions she invites all my friends and family to cheer me on. It builds your confidence hearing their support.

Nat Daly"I'm shooting with Chas of, the official Miss Beds photographer, while I'm in Bedford and also Joshua Cornejo. I'm really looking forward to getting back in front of the camera again.

"My tips are ensure you're groomed from head to toe. Make sure your gown is eye catching and above all flatters your figure whatever your size. Don't worry too much about your talent section, perform or present what you're passionate about; the judges will see your enthusiasm. Don't pretend to be a dancer or singer if you're not. If you're great at origami-show it!

"Most of all enjoy it, enjoy meeting new people, experiencing the world of glamour and photography and just be you. Win or lose, be proud, strut your stuff and show off while the spotlights on you."

If you'd like Nat to give you personal tips or beauty, clothes or competition advice, use the guest book and comment section. She'll get back to you personally as soon as she can.

Reader Comments

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March 31, 2008, Katie-Rose says:

I think you are an amazing role-model for all us finalists Nat! I can't wait to meet you, and hopefully I will get a space for hair and make-up before you get fully booked - which I'm sure you will be very soon!

I brought my pageant dress the other day, it's a really strange reality for me to be faced with, as I've never competed in anything like this before; and I think this makes me more determined to just have so much fun, as it might not be something I'll get to do again, however much I wish to.

I'm looking forward to the photoshoots the most, I've never done anything like that either, I guess this is a first time for everything.

I look forward to seeing you Nat! Not long till the finals now!

April 1, 2008, Natalie Reid says:

Hi, i am in the final for miss bedfordshire, but i am very nervous as i didn't know anything about this as my mum put me forward without me knowing about it!!! i really don't know what to do my presentation on and i still have not got any sponsorship i am finding that very difficult.

Please HELP!


April 2, 2008, Kimberly Susan Large says:


This is my first final for Miss Bedfordshire so any advice would be great. Thank you for your help. Kimberly x

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